Proclamation - RME 2024-2
To all Elected and Appointed Grand Lodge Officers, Most Worshipful Past Grand Masters, Worshipful Masters, Wardens, Past Masters, and Brethren.
By virtue of the power and authority vested in me as the Most Worshipful Grand Master of the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand of Ohio, Free and Accepted Masons, Know Ye that I, Robert M. Estelle, Jr., do hereby proclaim that the One Hundred and Seventy-Fifth (175th) Annual Communication of the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Ohio, Free and Accepted Masons will convene at the Marriott at University of Dayton, 1414 S Patterson Blvd, Dayton, OH 45409 on Saturday, August 3rd through Tuesday August 6th, 2024.
I do further proclaim that the craft and guests join us for the Grand Lodge Sunday Morning Divine Service, on August 4th, 2024, at 11:00 am in the Grand Ballroom in the hotel. Assembly time for the brethren to parade to the Memorial Service is 6:00 pm. Memorial Service in the Grand Ballroom of the hotel is at 7:00 pm.
I do further declare and ordain that a Lodge of Master Masons will open at 8:30 am. Monday, August 5, 2024, by the 4th Masonic District under the direction of Right Worshipful Frederic L Hawes, P.M. #121 Deputy Grand Lecturer, with all Grand Lodge Officers and representatives and members from their subordinate Lodges. The Most Worshipful Grand Master will be received at 9:15 am. The business will continue until completion on Tuesday, August 6th, 2024. The Grand Chaplains and their Associates will conduct the joint devotional at 7:45 am. on Monday and Tuesday.
It is directed that all Grand Lodge Officers, Worshipful Masters, Wardens, and Past Masters in good standing, be present and registered with the “Credentials committee”. All other Master Masons in good standing are encouraged to register and attend. Proper attire for all sessions beginning Sunday night Memorial Service shall be a black or dark suit, white shirt, and dark or black tie or bow tie, black dress shoes (no tennis shoes) white gloves, and white apron for Memorial Service.
All Grand Lodge Trustees will be formally attired Sunday evening in Tails (Black accessories) for the Memorial Service, Monday Grand Lodge Session Tails (White accessories), and Black tuxedos (Black accessories) on Tuesday.
All appointed Grand Lodge Officers, (i.e., Deputy Lecturers, Marshall, Deacons, Stewards, Standard Bearer, et.) the dress will be black Tuxedos with regalia and white gloves.
Proper attire for Banquet on Monday evening will be White Dinner jacket, black pants, white shirt black bow-tie and black shoes.
Advanced Registration - $100.00 (Received on or before July 13,2024)
On-site Registration - $115.00 (Received on or after July 14, 2024, there will be no guarantee of banquet tickets).
There are two ways to register for Grand Communications this year, you can mail your registration in with a check or you can pay on-line. Please mail checks to: 50 Hamilton Park, Apt 6, Columbus, Ohio 43203 or pay on-line by clicking the following link: Registration and follow the prompts. There will be a 4% processing charge for all on-line registrations. This link will be sent out via PHAohio and can be found on the Grand Lodge website on the Grand Secretary page. All advanced registration payments must be received by the Grand Secretary office no later than July 13, 2024, no exceptions.
The registration form is on the Grand Lodge Website and with your lodge Secretary.
This Proclamation is to be read at the Business and Work Night meetings during the months of May, June, and July.
Take due and timely notice of the preceding and govern yourselves accordingly.
Respectfully and Fraternally,
Robert M. Estelle, Jr. 33°, PM #115
Most Worshipful Grand Master
To All Lodges, Chapters, all Affiliated Bodies of Prince Hall Masonry, brothers and sisters
If your organization has an upcoming function/event, you can advertise it on the Grand Lodge website. All Lodges, Chapters, and Affiliated Bodies are authorized to advertise on the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Ohio website.
When submitting an advertisement, please submit only those materials which will send a positive message about your organizations, such as information on upcoming banquets, hotel reservations, ticket requests, special meals, patron lists, transportation requests, souvenir journals ad contracts, fund-raisers, parades, fairs, car-washes, charitable dinners, sports tournaments,etc....
Advertising on our website, make your important information available for view/download by your customers on a 24 hour basis. All advertisements are posted on the “Grand Lodge Announcement” page. If you would like to post an event, please send your request directly to my office at: or to .
Thanks in advance.
James J. Johnson Jr., PM #3
Webmaster, Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Ohio
Jerome Byrd, PM #106
Assist Webmaster
In the Rite of Perfection,
RM Melinda A. Chappell, HRPM
Royal Grand Secretary Pro Tem
Anderson Springer Grand Court L.O.C.O.P. OH
RM Georgetta Fountain-Harris
Royal Grand Perfect Matron
Anderson Springer Grand Court L.O.C.O.P. OH,
State of Ohio and Its Jurisdictions, PHA
Thrice Potent Master Doug Cobb Jr And the Officers of King Solomon Lodge Of Perfection '#15 Of Cleveland Ohio Open King Solomon Lodge Of Perfection #15 on 2/19/2025. It was the first time that this House has opened in Cleveland for over 20yrs. I would like to Thank The Deputy Of The Orient Of Ohio SGIG Carl A Williams An The Illustrious Commander In Cheif Eugene Washington Bo Haynesworth for Givi
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