Robert H. Carpenter is a native Cincinnati. He was born October 23, 1955 to James and Barcia Carpenter, who are both deceased. Robert has four sisters and seven brothers, one brother being deceased. He has been married for 39 years to Marion Carpenter, who is Past Matron of Elisha Chapter #89. Robert is also a member of Word of Deliverance Church of God, located in Springdale, Ohio. In 1972, Robert graduated from Aiken High School and in that same year enlisted in the US Army. After serving 22 years, Robert retired from the US Army, with the rank of First Sgt. in 1995.
During his military career, Robert continued his education in military schools. The various courses completed during his tenure were: Primary leadership development course, Basic Noncommissioned Officers Course, Seventh Army Noncommissioned Officers Academy, Advanced Noncommissioned Officers Course, United States Army First Sgt.’s Academy, Drill Sgt. School, Airborne School, Republic of Korea Ranger School. He continued his formal education at Murray State University and the University of Tennessee Knoxville, where he majored in political science.
Robert was assigned to various duties throughout the world including the 101st Airborne Division, Fort Campbell, Kentucky as a Team leader in an Infantry squad 1972- 1974; Infantry squad leader in Berlin Germany, 1974-1977; Drill Sgt. Fort Jackson South Carolina 1977 – 1980; Instructor of Mechanized Infantry tactics Fort Benning Georgia 1980- 1981; Platoon Sgt. of the United Nation’s Command Honor Guard, Republic of Korea 1981- 1982; military advisor, Cordel, Ga, 1982-1984; 193rd Infantry Brigade, Panama-Jungle operations training center Instructor 1984-1986; First Sgt. Co. B 1st/327 Infantry Fort Campbell Kentucky 1986-1989; Assistant Professor of military science at the University of Tennessee Knoxville(ROTC) 1989- 1993; First Sgt. HHC 1st/503 Infantry Republic of Korea 1993- 1995.
Robert's Masonic accomplishments are numerous. In June 1979, Brother Robert H. Carpenter was initiated into Capital City Lodge number #47, Columbia, South Carolina. And in February of 1986, Brother Carpenter received his 32nd Degree from Acacia Consistory #336, Republic of Panama. Later he was Created as a Noble of the Mystic Shrine A.E.A.O.N.M.S., Boshra Temple #199. Since 1995, Bro. Carpenter has been elected or appointed to various Masonic titles, which include: Worshipful Master (2002, 2011); Administrative Officer, 1st Masonic District (2005-2007); Illustrious Potentate, Sinai Temple #59 (2007); Right Worshipful Chief Administrative Officer to the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Ohio (2009-2010); Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Lecturer, 1st Masonic District (2013-2016); and Right Worshipful Grand Lecturer, Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Ohio (2017).resting about your business here.
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